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Shocking Revelations About Steve Jobs – CEO of Apple and Pixar Animation

New Year Celebrations is now officially over and we’re now back to our normal daily routines. Goals that were set and written down for 2009 require intense consistent action so it can actually happen. 2008 goals that were set but did not happen must happen in 2009 – no matter what.

2009 comes with a baggage in terms of economic uncertainties and financial meltdown. Companies are going bankrupt left right and centre. Nothing is certain.

But what is certain is your actions and the things that you do every single day will determine your future in 2009. Whatever your goals and dreams in 2009 can happen if you only set your life and soul to it with great passion and belief.

I think the video on Steve Jobs will be deeply motivating for you to keep on going and rise above all else. Steve Jobs starts his speech with a story about his real-life adoption as a newborn. He discusses the impact that the promise of a college education had on the ultimate outcome of his adoption, and his eventual decision to drop out of college once he got there. Instead of giving up on education, altogether, however, Jobs continued to go to classes that interested him and opened him to new ideas and talents. His quiet humor and honest delivery compliment his simple belief that in order to have the courage to follow your heart, you must believe that your decisions will ultimately match up in the future, leading to a successful, happy life.

It’s truly an uplifting story coming from the man himself. Even if you have seen it already, I hope that you will still get some golden nuggets that you can use for 2009.

Whatever it is that you do today, make it a GREAT one.

Your friend,


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