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How Long Can We Surrender To Failures?

I think we all can agree that most of you reading this blog want to succeed in everything you do. You want to be accepted, feel appreciated and being recognised for your work or contribution.

You strive your very best to succeed and do everything that there is to do. You follow your role models, read instructional books, bought training programs and to implement what you’ve learned, you invested your own money to start your own projects.

Some of it started off okay and some it were complete failures. You made some changes, implemented new strategies and yet you still fail.

The funds are draining fast and you starting to doubt.

You doubt your abilities, you doubt your chances of success and you doubt whether if you really are meant to do what you do.

To cut further failures and financial losses, you stop everything that you’ve started; things that you’ve worked so hard on and spent so much time trying to make things work.

At the same time too, you see many people in the same business you’re in who are raking so much money and enjoying great success but since it is not happening to you…you just gave up.

You think maybe it’s just not your luck.. and you call it quits!

Has this happened to you?

Maybe the story is not exactly what you’ve experience, but can you relate to this story?

How many people have you seen that surrendered to failure and gave up?

Think about it for a second…

Do they or you deserve it?

Now let me make an honest confession…

Everything that you’ve read above had happened to me and so did to my friends who are now earning their millions.

For them, failure is not an option. They just keep on going and will not stop till their goals are reached.

Of course, throughout that journey they may fail and have to face pressing obstacles again but this cannot be considered as a reason for permanent failure. Instead, they move on and this time with greater bravado.

They continue that journey.

That journey is now armed with a better strategy together with an unbeatable determination and certainty.

Finally, they succeed and all that hard work and patience finally paid off.

Imagine if they gave up less than half way of that journey…

All that wealth, happiness and success would just be a part of an imaginary dream. Nothing is real.

You must never give up. You cannot give yourself excuses when you want to succeed. You must carry on and do it.

You see, I believe that no one living on this planet deserve to be living a meagre existence. I believe that everyone has the potential to be all they want to be.

So never give up. Brave up to the challenge and just do it.

We all know you can do it.

All the best,


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Mehboob says:

Dear Ambar,
Great uplifting information. Never Give Up!!



Mehboob says:

Dear Ambar,
Great uplifting information. Never Give Up!!



Al says:

Well said

Too many people give up and its a self belief thing most of the time. Forcing people to read what you just wrote will breathe life into their dreams!


Al says:

Well said

Too many people give up and its a self belief thing most of the time. Forcing people to read what you just wrote will breathe life into their dreams!
