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Business Success Formula

There are many factors that contribute to the success of a business and it doesn't matter if you are running an offline or online entity. This factor alone will literally catapult your overall business revenue.

So, What Is It?

Well, the answer to that golden key is 'RELATIONSHIP'.

Let's look at this scenario.

Many people out there still believes that people buy from people. I agree partially.

I believe that people buy when they are in alignment with other people. Meaning, that they trust, happy, comfortable, at ease etc with the other party.

Now, what has this got to do with relationship?

Well, everything really.

If you do not have a harmonious and trusting relationship with your potential customer then it is likely that you will not get their business.

In the end, that customer will look out for your competitors and in high probability they would also end up buying their products or services withthem.

So, building positive relationship in your business is key. Think of it like the blood flowing in the human system.

Without it, a business cannot survive.

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