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Blame Game Kills The Growth Of Your Success!

The obvious difference that I’ve seen between ‘the successful’ and ‘the struggling’ is that the latter tend to play the blame game more than anyone else.

When things are not going the way that we want it to be, why is it then that we feel better in blaming others and never take the responsibility?

Why is it that we blame friends, business partners, the banks, the economy, the government, and the country?

Will it change yourself or even your business to another level?

Well, I very much doubt it. You’ll definitely feel better but it won’t change any of your problems. In fact, it will remain and probably ‘fester’ deep in your psyche.

I believe that when we start to fully take the responsibility and become aware of the consequences from every action we make – big or small, then we will soon see that there will always be room for more improvements and opportunities.

Mistakes will be made along the way but as long as you continuously carry on with your journey and find new great ideas and solutions, sure enough, you will soon see the results.

Life itself is a difficult journey but with a little bit of ingenuity, it will make all the difference!

All the best,

Ambar Hamid.

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