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4 Steps On How To Stop Being LAZY!

We all want to achieve many things in our lives. Every year we have new goals to achieve and many more things that we want to buy. The list seems endless…but the question remains.. How many of your goals in your list ever come to fruition? How many of those goals and dreams are the fruits of your consistent and persistent efforts?

We cannot attract the things we want by doing nothing. We certainly cannot keep the things we have for very long if we don’t take enough effort to keep them. We must continue to strive for the best and consistently do whatever it takes to get there. Being lazy won’t help get you there. So how do we solve the problem?

You're Not Lazy. You're A Potential For Greatness!
Here’s how I do it!

Step 1.

Look at your written goals and dreamboard. Ask yourself why did you want it in the first place? Why is it so important to you? Why do you really need to achieve it? What would happen to you emotionally and financially if you don’t achieve it? Will other people be affected if you don’t get it? Will you let them down?

Step 2.

Write those reasons down. Always be honest with yourself.

Step 3.

Give yourself a timeline to achieve each tasks and goals. Write the reasons next to each goal - I must achieve this goal because ……..

Step 4.

Everytime when you fall behind, look back at what you’ve written. If your reasons are strong, you will soon realise that you need to do something now. Not tomorrow but NOW! Otherwise, go back to Step 1 and review.

Good luck!

Ambar Hamid.

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Ppdon says:

I love my job (hairdresser) and I love on what I am doing,I don’t mind work extra hours without pay,and skip my lunch break(sometime) …. but what I don’t understand and I don’t really like it is, some of the staff, are back stabbing , two faces …it’s not cool at all. I try my level best , to be nice with them … and up front, but things doesn’t changed !!! Still the same … 
I am focusing on my job, in order to achieve my goal, but It’s really annoying me and they are attitude …. I know, everywhere I go , same thing will happen … but …

Stronger than yesterday !!! :)

Ambar Hamid says:

Yes, the best action is to focus on what you need to do till you get your desired goal. However, if the working environment is not conducive for your growth then perhaps a new challenge in a new place should be in your next masterplan! :)

Good Luck!

Tyy says:

this is a great post. the tips are practical and bound to get the worst procrastinators moving!