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4 Major Impacts On Google and Bing To Include Twitter Posts In Search Results.

I just heard the news today that Twitter had signed a deal with both Google and Bing to include all Twitter posts on their search engine indexes. This news alone would help many Twitterers particularly business users in significantly amplifying their ‘reach’ in the already crowded online space.

But what are the real impacts of this news to Twitter users? Let’s find out…

(Please note that this is based on my personal experiences only)

1. Easy Access To More Updated Information

Getting the instant updates on the markets, news stories and even the weather in a foreign place would be far easier and dependable! Obviously, you’d have to make your own conscious decision on the authenticity of the information you receive.

2. It Gets Your Messages Out There. Pronto!

This is very self explanatory. Every post you make would be made available in real time on Google and Bing which means that it’d allow you to find more people that you can interact with and gain new business prospects.

3. Helps with the web traffic.

Getting the eyeballs to your site is the key to success in any online based business and by having more references that include web, blog or articles link would only increase the chances of you getting the clicks.

And unfortunately, I reckon that you’d also get..

4. More Spam.

I am not quite sure how Google and Bing would filter the spam posts that we already get on Twitter but I would think that we’d have more spam contents on the search engines just by being on it alone! It’s very difficult to curtail the spam users and posts and I suppose that this would also be the same when our posts gets on the search engines.

Do comment and add your personal thoughts.

Looking forward to getting your feedback.


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